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4 Tips To Consider When Installing Commercial Bike Parking

Thinking about installing commercial bike parking? Here's 4 tips we recommend to all business owners, facility managers, architects and specifiers before they start this process...


1. Install your racks in a convenient place.

If you're wanting to provide local cyclists or commuters with bike parking options, consider placing your racks near the front of your business or building. Cyclists like to keep an eye on their bikes to ensure they're not going to be stolen. For end of trip facilities, we recommend choosing a room or area that's secure and not visible to the public.


2. Find a bike rack product that's easy to use.

There's nothing more frustrating than trying to store your bike in a complicated or difficult way. If it's too 'hard' to use, then chances are bike riders and commuters won't use it. This is why it's important to install a product that makes bike storage easy. Our bike racks require no lifting and can pivot from side to side for easy accessibility and maximum space efficiency.


3. Choose a bike rack that's durable & will last.

There's a high chance that your racks will be used, which means you'll want a bike rack that's strong, durable and won't deteriorate over time. Our Steadyrack vertical bike racks are made from tough, impact resilient plastic and steel, which means they'll be with you for many years to come.


4. Get more for less.

The more racks, the better! These sporting enthusiasts usually travel in packs, so one rack between a group won't do much good. There are various ways you can install your racks to ensure that you maximise your space and comfortably fit as many bikes as possible. Our vertical bike racks give you the option of a staggered height installation, meaning you can fit more bikes in the same space. The Steadyrack unique pivot feature also makes accessibility easier and reduces the risk of bikes damaging other bikes, cars or structures around them.


Ready. Steady. Go!

Ready to install commercial bike parking? Find out more here.
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