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The Summer of Cycling & How To Get Back On The Bike

As the northern hemisphere moves into the warmer months of the year, getting back into cycling and fitness regimes may be the first thing on many people's lists after a long winter of indulgence and fitness hibernation. Getting back into the 'pedal' of things may seem a bit daunting, so we came up with a few suggestions to kickstart your cycling season.


  • Enter an event or set yourself a goal. A great way to get in to a cycling routine is to set yourself a goal and what better way than to enter into a cycling event. It doesn’t mean you need to be up at 5am every morning cycling for 20 kilometres but each day you can push yourself a little harder and over time this will prepare you for the event you have entered and having a goal to achieve will motivate you on those days where you don’t really feel like being active. Cycling events are very social and usually for all fitness levels so you could even get a group together and all enter/ cycle and train together which will motivate you further, whilst keeping you fit at the same time. Resources like are a great start when you are looking for cycling events for you and your family. Visit to find events in your area around the globe.
  • Explore a new area. If you are stuck in a cycling routine of riding to and from work every day your motivation is very likely to drop and you won’t see any fitness results. Choose a new path on your ride to work or suggest a new route when you are riding on the weekends and not only will this allow to you explore your city from a leisure point of view but it will further motivate you as you are changing up your routine and you will be surprised how much further you will cycle exploring new areas. Health and fitness does not have to be a summer resolution but it can definitely be an added benefit. That is why we recommend cycling as not only will it increase your fitness, health and wellbeing but it’s a fun hobby and a great way to stay social and active within your community. Increasing the amount you cycle will also give you great mental benefits and it’s a great way to get out of the house and clear your thoughts any time of day. Depending on your city, there are heaps of blogs with cycling challenges out there to try. Start exploring apps like Strava or Viewranger to explore new routes and compete with friends and strangers.


Summer is an exciting time for cycling so get out and start exploring!

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